Introducing Northumbria Healthcare Clinical Support Services
Staff working in clinical support services perform vital roles in our hospitals. They work in areas which support the smooth running of departments, ensuring that patients have the tests they need and timely results in order for treatment to begin.
Teams working in this area carry our diagnostic tests such as x-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans and fluoroscopies in hospital. At some of our rural hospitals we provide some of these scans as a mobile service.
Teams also work in a number of laboratories, carrying out tests on samples, which again enables treatment to start earlier.
Cancer services make up part of clinical support with staff working in hospitals and in the community to support patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, providing physical and emotional support.
We pride ourselves in providing cancer care as close to people’s homes as possible. We run five nurse-led oncology day units at Hexham, Wansbeck and North Tyneside general hospitals and Alnwick and Berwick community hospitals ensuring people across Northumberland and North Tyneside have local access to chemotherapy and supportive treatments.