Introducing Northumbria Healthcare General Management and Administration
The hard work of our managers enables our clinical teams to do what they’re here to do – treat and care for our patients.
Managers are a key part of the NHS. Whether they are managing the talented, hardworking staff, controlling the finance or providing the equipment, buildings and services, managers are crucial to the delivery of effective healthcare.
At Northumbria Healthcare, we have a wide range of management opportunities in our clinical services and our corporate functions, providing bespoke training programme to develop our managers of the future.
Administrative staff are the backbone of our organisation and our clinical services could not function without the office teams who work extremely hard to support them. The range of roles they perform is varied and include making appointments, issuing letters, answering calls on our switchboard, making sure patients’ notes are where they need to be and working in human resources to help us manage our large workforce.
Although many of our administrative teams work behind the scenes, some come face-to-face with patients including welcoming and checking in patients at receptions and working as clerks on our wards.